Sunday, February 12, 2012

D*mn underwear

As previously mentioned, I mostly haven't been wearing underwear.  I know, TMI.  But, every few days or so, I do, because well, I think I should.  Like today.  I was going to church, so it seemed like a good idea at the time.  God and all that.

Anyway, I have been hitching them up and pulling them out of my ass ALL DAY.  Which has been making me grouchy.  AND, I am not even sure if God cares whether or not I wear underwear - according to some interpretations of the bible, I am supposed to be submissive to my Husband.  Thank you, God, for your wise advice (in my case) on this matter.

Yes, I will be shucking those panties sooner rather than later.

One of the reasons I have been hitching them up is because I am randomly losing weight.  Now, I am not a petite woman.  As my dad so elegantly put it once, "We come from good peasant stock."  I have boobs and even at my healthiest weight, I am never going to be slender.  I am not currently at my healthiest weight.

Luckily, I am married to a man who loves curves, so I don't worry about it too much.  But all of a sudden, I have lost eight pounds over the last two weeks.  Eight pounds.  Randomly.  If I could bottle whatever is happening and sell it, I could be a millionaire.

I HAVE noticed that lately, I stop eating when I am full.  I am also drinking less.  (Okay, eat and drink less - that makes sense to the weight loss, but why this change in behavior, she wonders?)

The only thing I can figure is that I am finding a more complete satisfaction in my life lately.  Especially since this change in relationship dynamic.  I never had complaints before about our sex life (none!), but it feels like an intimacy hole has been plugged.  A missing piece that we didn't know was gone has been found.  For me, letting go and fully trusting.  Letting someone else have control.

That is pretty fantastic!

Except... I am not happy about losing the weight.  I know, most women generally have something to say that is not positive about their bodies.  And of course, there ARE things I would like to change.

But, more importantly, I have recently purchased a number of really cute skirts and other items and dang it, I want to wear them.  I noticed that I was hitching up the one I was wearing today as well as the underwear... Shit.  You can't be sexy in clothes that don't fit!

Speaky of body image, all women are sexy in their own way.  Especially if you make sure to keep moving and keep your brain growing.  IMO.  I get a little distressed when people engage in discipline dynamics over weight, but I will not judge, since I am enjoying my own discipline dynamic over attire.  Truly, no judgement.  Happy Sunday!


  1. is a quandry! I have been losing some weight as well and the good news is that most skirts are quite easy to alter and take down a size or two. Can't say the same thing for the undies though...sorry.

    1. Thanks for the tip Susie - I must admit my sewing/tailoring skills are not so great, but a couple of them are certainly worth the try!

  2. Nice to meet you! I just stumbled onto your blog... very nice!

    Susie is right.... skirts are usually easy to take up... and this would be a good time to go buy some new sexy undies! ;o)

    1. Hi Mikki - I just popped over to your blog and enjoyed it as well. I will be adding it into my reading list! Thanks for the note - except, I think I am moving away from ANY undies... (insert wicked smile)

  3. I am sitting in bed, howling! I HATE panties. Why they never seem to stay where they are supposed to is a mystery of life. Just love this post!
