Thursday, November 21, 2013


Okay, I thought I would do a spanking post.  Well, it didn't start out in my head as a spanking post, but as I contemplated it more, I thought, yes!  This is going to end up being about spanking!

No, there is no spanking going on over here.  When you are barely finding energy for sex, you are grateful to just check off the basics (like more than one orgasm ;0 ).  But this is not about that.  It is about meditation.

Recently I have noticed that information on meditation has been finding me.  Truly, I have not been seeking it and yet, everywhere I look, there it is.  Two books in my recent readings have had characters that are meditation masters.  People who meditate by just sitting.  I have become enamored with this thought.

Sitting still - what a concept.

I can barely sit when I am actually conversing with someone and enjoying myself.  I feel like I have to jump up every few minutes and find something to do.  And this is about just sitting.  Quietly.  Not even talking.

In addition to these books, more than one of my friends on Facebook have recently attended silent retreats.  For whole weekends!  No distractions, no electronics, just quiet.  To me that sounds both amazing and horrifying.

I really do appreciate the fact that I'm a much more balanced individual when I can find ways to clear my mind.  I used to take Tai Chi and in one class, the instructor routinely had us spend 10 or more minutes doing "standing meditation".  When I first started the class, all I could think about was how much my thighs were shaking as we just stood there, knees slightly bent, back straight and eyes forward.  But within a few months, I was able to go with it and get to a more thoughtful place.

In the last two years, I have moved from active meditation at class to a more passive form - attending an orchestral presentation, or keeping classical music on in the house and the car.  I find that I can lose myself in good music and reach a similar clearing of the mind.  A really good concert can leave me feeling refreshed all week long.

Which brings me back to spanking.  When H and I started our initial contract, I (ahem) wheedled my first spanking out of him within a few days.  After the ice was broken (so to speak), we practiced maintenance spankings, good girl spankings and pleasure spankings for most of the next year and a half. I'll tell you what, I took to spanking like I was born for it.  (A true spanko?  Who knows - I didn't fantasize about it when I was younger or any of the other stuff you hear about, but once I had it, I wanted more.  Ever more.)

Because of my spanking aptitude, I just figured I was a pain slut.  I gloried in the pain of it, the burn on my bottom/thighs for days and I continually requested that H keep pushing those boundaries.  But just today, I realized (or maybe I re-realized - like I knew it once and I forgot) that spanking and pain are a kind of meditation.

To get through a hundred lashes from the flogger, you have to focus in.  And the pain is like the music, it fills up the head and then you float away on it.

So yes, maybe I AM a pain slut.  Or maybe, I just really need ways to clear my mind.  Perhaps it is a whole lot of both.

(I miss spanking.  But not so much that I want to seek out another way to find it.  A year ago, I didn't think I would ever live without it again.  Strange the difference a year can make.  Anyway, in the meantime, the orchestra and the books and the sitting are all providing some of that.)


  1. "I miss spanking. But not so much that I want to seek out another way to find it."

    that's because it's the whole package - not just about getting spanked by anyone anytime...

    strangely i understand the spanking session = meditation thing. I settle in for a spanking and that's like getting ready to do NOTHING and just lay there and well, be spanked. silent. collected. calm. relaxed.

    lovely. thank you for your thoughts.

    1. I get that it is the whole package, but I guess I used to think that part of it was easily carved out. Not so much.

      Thanks for stopping by. :)

    2. There's definitely an appeal in the doing of nothing that being spanked involves. No doing and no thinking is rather nice, considering all of the constant doing and thinking that we do in our regular lives. Actually, now that I think about it, the things Master does to me are the only things that are ever physically done to me. Everything else is in life is me doing the doing, or me having to resolve some mess created by someone else. Wow. I'm suddenly in the mood for a spanking!:)

  2. I can't clear my mind, ever. It goes all night while I sleep too. There's no spankings here to clear the mind or really even sex to speak of either... I've always been a reader though been too busy. Now it's a lot more, every day. I never thought if it as having a meditative quality. I jog on the treadmill with my nook propped on it. The two together let my mind clear. All I focus on are not falling off (one of my many talents is finding ways to get hurt lol) and then what's happening to the characters. I've never been so devoted to daily exercise in my life. Wow, kinda crazy. It makes sense now. I need my brain vacation! Maybe someday it'll be a spanky sort of meditation instead...

    1. You know, the busier I get at work, the more I read. I don't read much when things are sailing along smoothly, but when I am in the midst of craziness, I read. And read. H is so awesome, since work is usually taking up all my time and then I come home and disappear into a book. Classic escapism and definitely meditative. :)

  3. "And the pain is like the music, it fills up the head and then you float away on it."

    So perfectly said!

    1. Thanks - I kind of had to reach back into my memory to find it, but I am glad I got it right. :)

  4. Master can always the moment i settle in and have found my 'zen' spot....when it ceases to be just pain, when i have cleared my mind. But it can also happen with music, a walk on the beach.....
    hugs abby

    1. Nothing wrong with clearing the mind with any of those - maybe all three? :)

  5. I'm new at the spanking thing, and I can't meditate to silence, but I get what you're saying here. Though I haven't gotten to a point I'd call spanking meditation yet, it does have the capacity to clear the mind of the incessant thoughts and puts one into the present moment. Master has that effect on me in general though. When he's here, I forget about whatever of life's difficulties have been cluttering my mind and stressing me out.
