This one from A Daddy and His Girl was very instructive on how to train a sub to come or not come on command. Expecting it to just happen because You said so apparently does not always work. (Gasp.)
There is another Kitty (big surprise), who has a fantastic blog to follow and this one was just HOT HOT HOT. And since I am talking about her, this article about Australian kisses has great pictures and is totally cute.
For a more somber tone, and a bit of education, I read a nice post from Christian DD dot com on the Husband's Role in DD. Ironically, it helped me get to a place where I am more comfortable in a "Spanko" sexual environment than a strictly DD dynamic. If you have no desire to plow through it all, the last sentence in the next to last paragraph pretty much sums it up for me:
...a regularly spanked woman who knows she can come to her man for a maintenance or erotic spanking is less likely to act out to get one through discipline that she may end up regretting.
And finally, Master located a pretty fantastic skirt here that ironically only came in sizes too big for me, when He was shopping. Just now, though, I noticed they have added additional sizes. Woo hoo!
Spanko Skirt |
I know I read many more great things, but since I only thought to add this Friday feature recently, I did not track them all - but I will do so in the future.
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