Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Are you okay?

One of the things I do over and over and over is ask H, "Are you okay?"

I know it annoys Him.  I ask so much that it even annoys me.  I used to just ask Him in regards to His mood and His health, but lately, I have been asking if He is okay with spanking me.

He keeps saying, "You already asked me that.  I am fine."  I wonder when He is going to make a rule about asking, since it is getting so tiresome.

I started contemplating why I would keep asking.  He says He is fine.  He is doing it and seems to be in tune with it.  I wondered if I was asking because I was looking for a different answer.

Example: "You know, I never imagined that I would spank a full grown woman and it is really causing me to face up to a few things about myself."

Example 2:  "I actually hate it, but I am willing to do it because I love you."

Example 3:  "No, I am not okay."

So, the question is, why would I be looking for a different answer?  It clearly doesn't exist.  Trust me, I have asked.

Maybe I am just hoping to have a little drama open up.  Drama is so much more interesting than having everything work, isn't it?  Sigh.

The only other thing I can think is that I am not sure that I am fully accepting of this part of me.  This raging desire to feel submission.

And if I don't accept myself, why would He do it?  Of course, that is ludicrous, but I have a little history of projecting my own insecurities onto loved ones.

And while I am on the subject, I don't think I have felt submission.  Dressing according to rules, kneeling before Him, receiving spankings, giving blow jobs on demand (or more likely, when I ask), etc. does not make me feel submissive.  It makes me feel like me.

What does submissive feel like?


  1. I don't know what submissive feels like. I always end up feeling crazy powerful cause I got done to me what I wanted.

    1. Thank you! That is a perfect way to say it, but I didn't know if I could...

      I still want to know what it feels like though. :)

  2. I have a similar question I ask, at intervals, usually just after something intense and beautiful has happened between us and he's wrapped me in his arms and I'm feeling loved and glorious.

    "Do you ever wish you'd married a normal girl?"

    I feel guilty sometimes, you know, about turning him from the wide-eyed innocent he once was to the deliciously kinky man he is now.

    He laughs now, "You keep asking me that."

    Of course he doesn't wish that, but I need to hear it. It makes me feel so valued when he squeezes me close and tells me he'd never want any other girl.

    1. I would love the laughter response - instead I get a tensing - stop asking me response.

      I probably am going to have to talk soon about our differing needs for verbal stimulation, that's why I loved your post yesterday - the verbal things he said. H prefers a more silent approach. Sigh.

    2. Sorry, this morning's post... Only 10 am and I have lived a whole day... LOL.

    3. Oh, I know days like that. :)

      My husband didn't start out being so talkative. Here's a post I wrote about the process of getting there.

      I need the words, so he talks a lot.

      I came back to say - submissive feels like....softness.
